Xuzhou Medical University
The high education establishment is located in Jiangsu, it should be noted that the city is a historical and cultural place, which is known as “Thoroughfares to Five Provinces”. The High school was founded in 1958, and today, the Xuzhou Medical University is such kind of center of the medical education and service.
It should also be underlined that the University has its independent as a higher medical institution with its historical traditions and cultures. It might be noted that the High education institution is in the top list of the best national medical education colleges and universities. In 2013, Xuzhou Medical University was successfully authorized by the Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China as the high education institution, which has the right to prepare in doctoral programs.
Xuzhou Medical University consists of four campuses, which’s area is over 1200 thousand quad meters. Today, the Main Campus has increased and improved, so, it has a lot of modern hi-tech zones. There are 14 direct hospitals and 5 clinical institutes under the High school.
Xuzhou Medical University Scholarship
Xuzhou Medical University is offering Scholarship Program for international students of the academic year 2019-2020. To get more information contact our consultants.
Ranking of University
Ranking of Xuzhou Medical University is 147 among all Chinese universities.
Detailed information about the university
The High education establishment has made efforts to improve producing quality cadres, that is to say, quality of education of the High school is under strict control, so, it may be sure that the education institution prepares qualified medical workers for the society.
The high education institution suggests twenty-four kinds of bachelor programs, which include different sort of directions, including Clinical Medicine, Anesthesiology, Optometry, Medical Imagology, Biomedical Engineering, Public Administration and others. It should be noted that Clinical Medicine direction contains also international students.
The XZMU has been prepared Master’s Degree since 1985, and today quantity of directions is forty-five, it should be underlined that the two fields of them are first level key disciplines. The University has been prepared students who would like to study in doctoral program, however that preparing is doing jointly by China Medical University and Nanjing Medical University. Anesthesia specialty is one of the most popular in the university, due to the great demand of specialists in this field. So, the XZMU has the right to prepare specialists in this field, under the undergraduate program. This right was given by the Ministry of Education in 1986, and the result was not long in coming, because in 2007 the University was awarded the prize “Research and Practice of Multi-Level Anesthesia Education with a Chinese Characteristic.”
The High education institution has prepared specialists in the direction of MB.BS. since 2005, and since 2012 the college has opened the MD and MS programs, as well as the PhD in 2014. In the same year the XZMU was granted the right to conduct and expert assessment of knowledge of the HSK exam. This initiative came from the Ministry of Education of China, and it was the first HSK website in the Huaihai economic zone. Today, XZMU is one of the High education establishments which are authorized to enroll foreign students.
One of the main advantages in increasing a quantity of foreign students was the university’s geography, all the necessary infrastructure, including the airport, the railway station and others, are located in less than 3 hours from Beijing. Thus, the management of the institution has been paying attention for making a quality of education and the educational process.
Administration of the University make efforts to improve the professionalism of its teachers, and as a result, it sends its professors abroad every year. That’s why the High education establishment can guaranty teaching by qualified professors. Another kinds of process which is oriented to increase the quality of education is inviting university professors of abroad, that initiative is done by the university leadership so that university students will receive only the best knowledge.
Academic Performance
For a complete set of leisure activities, the management of the high school has been creating all the necessary conditions for the colleges’ students, so that they could play sports or any other kind of leisure in their free time. In addition, the university has kitchens and canteens of different kinds of foreign countries, playgrounds and a stadium. In the student dormitory there is always hot water, a heater or an air conditioner, as well as separate bathroom units and laundry rooms.Apart from that, the leadership of the faculties of the university organizes various spiritual, educational and cultural activities aimed at spiritual rest.
One of the main and probably, the key indicators of the quality education of the University is to conduct the International Student Union, as well as competitive selections for Jasmine nominal scholarships in Jiangsu Province. It should be noted that scholarships are awarded not only to local students but also to foreign. Take for example, A college scholarship is awarded for excellent grades that fully covers the contract of study. A quantity of outstanding students who earned scholarships is more than 300, and the number of undergraduates is 19, doctoral students – 14.
Despite all the ongoing positive reforms by the Administration of the XZMU, the management of the university pays attention on international cooperation, for example, academic exchanges of students or teachers between the university and other higher educational institutions. Scientific conferences, symposia, seminars and international master classes, all this allows the High education establishment to create a qualitative foundation in the training of professional specialists, each of whom will contribute to the development of the country.
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