Fujian Medical University



Fujian Medical University

Fujian Medical University

Fujian Medical University (FJMU) is considered to be downtown for educating, investigating, maintaining and precaution alongside other fields. Originally, it was known as FPMC (in thousand nine hundred thirty-seven). Afterward, it rewrote its title into FPMC (in one thousand nine hundred thirty-nine).

After a while, this institute collaborated with FCTCM and MDHU, and this contributed to the change its name to Fujian Medical University. The pre-final title of this university was defined in a thousand nine hundred seventy-eight as Fujian Medical University after relocating to Fuzhou Province. Eventually, in thousand nine hundred ninety-six it accepted its current name. At this moment, there are two main dormitories being operated by this academic establishment, and these are Shangjie and Taijiang occupying an overall net area of eighty-seven square kilometers and out of overall, three hundred seventy-nine thousand square meters are allocated for educational establishments.

If you are interested to study at this University, feel free to contact our consultants or to leave your application on our website. You can visit “Our Services” page right here to get known with the services we provide.


University recruits 120-160 students for scholarships every year. Scholarships for Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Degree as well as for language courses are provided.
Fujian Medical University offers many grants for all students come from foreign countries and regions. These are some of them: free access to libraries, free tuition, different scholarships according to your degree bachelor, master or doctoral are available! You can contact our consultants to get more information.

University in numbers

These days, there are nineteen colleges and schools providing with twenty-three programs for students studying in bachelors, twenty-two programs designated for doctoral presenters, fifty-nine programs for master degree presenters and two generally accredited professions for masters. Despite the fact that there are a set of comprehensive educational modules, the Fujian Medical University has successfully founded a competent community for educating and practice made up of one dental center, twenty-six hospitals for medical instruction and ten subsidiary hospitals, out of which nine are included in top-level hospital in the local area. Fujian Municipal Administration announced this institute as the main academic establishment that strongly focuses on development. Besides, it takes pride of place in annual assessment among tertiary education institutes under the direction of a Commission for education in the country.

Educational activities

At the moment, the aggregate number of scholar being involved in educational activities counts approximately to twenty thousand scholars studying on a regular basis, out of which two thousand are students involved in further education, ten thousand are bachelors representatives. What is more, the university has a complete privilege to get scholars involved in the educational process from diverse regions as well as overseas.

Number of teaching staff

The overall number of teaching staff in all educational departments counts roughly to five thousand four hundred instructors. Almost eight hundred of them are lecturers working on a regular basis. Fifty-eight percent of the staff have already become master degree representatives, while fifty-five percent holds the position of a high-level instructor. There are sixty-five methodologists, four hundred eighty-two methodologists holding a master degree, a hundred individuals receiving particular financial supports from Counsel of State, five instructors distinguished by administrative program for gifted people, four adepts having contributed to the local community, three adepts having in stock couple of significant investments awarded by the Ministry of Health, three representatives of “Newly Qualified Instructors Award by the Commission on Education”, seventeen individuals privileged as “Renowned Adepts in the Local Community”, sixty four being in the list of talents program, twenty eight members of “Talents Organization for Tertiary Education in the Local Municipality” and two teams having become a winner between inventive groups.

Educational investigations

Fujian Medical University devotes significant importance to educational investigations. It is in possession of one clinical center, sixty-five research bases, two main municipal subjects of “Project 211”, thirteen simple municipal subjects, eight educational departments of preliminary evolvement originated by Fujian Municipal Division of Innovation, six subject at preschool level, six different treatment sectors, five municipal high-level professions with treatment parameters and three labs under direct jurisdiction of State Administration, that have already took the responsibility for solving different tasks and left its own significant marks in the local community. Since about year two thousand, an excess of hundred appraisal programs have been gratified, while over five thousand five hundred official documents were divulged, with eighty-six of them registered in SCI, and forty-five works were released. This educational organization has released and a couple of educational newspapers to enthusiasts in the neighborhood and abroad. These are The Journal of Fujian Medical University in the editions: treatment science and sociology, Japanese Magazine of Hypertonia and the Korean Magazine of Vasculocardiac after treatment. The resource center that functions in this institution occupies an area of twenty-five thousand hectares.


So far, Fujian Medical University has successfully formed collaborations and close connections with a couple of global universities from such political territories as the USA, Korea, Germany, Austria, England, and Japan for the purpose of investigation and practice. For the last couple of years, seven hundred people in more than one hundred sixty groups have attended the Uni for the purpose of giving classes and accomplish educational activities. It is important to note that more than twenty graduated have successfully taken up important positions in colleges and other educational institutions of Fujian Medical University.

In contrast to its history, Fujian Medical University institution has become a holder of plentiful achievements and awards from the local community as well as has played a vital role in the society. In the future, it looks forward to becoming a top-level university with a significant focus on advancing the process of education and other educational forms of medicine.

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Name 福建医科大学
City Fuzhou
Ranking in China 154
International ranking 1886
Undergraduate 5091 USD/year
Postgraduate 5530 USD/year
Accommodation 150 USD/month
Cost of living $410-827 USD/mon.
Scholarships ☑️
Seats 72
Deadline 15th July
Students 21,000
Foreign students 400
Location 88 Jiaotong Rd, Nan Men Shang Quan, Taijiang Qu, Fuzhou Shi, Fujian Sheng, China
Website www.fjmu.edu.cn

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