Shantou University Medical College



Shantou State University is sustained by the Lee Ka Shing Foundation in Shantou, Guangdong, the Republic of China, consists of one significant College which is called Shantou University Medical College (ShUMC).

Shantou University Medical College

ShUMC is intended to be a leader through learner-oriented medical tuition; patient-oriented medical care; application-oriented in the field of biomedical and clinical research; social favor-oriented in the field of public services; Faculty and staff-oriented in the stable growth of the University. Following the core values of the nation, consecration, and exemplary professionalism, ShUMC constantly firms educational, research and medical services meeting international norms.

If you are interested to study at Shantou University Medical College, feel free to contact our consultants or to leave your application on our website. You can visit “Our Services” page right here to get known with the services we provide.


Shantou University Medical College recruits 80-120 students for scholarships every year. Scholarships for Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Degree as well as for language courses are provided.

Academic programs

ShUMC includes a general 5 + 3 undergraduate program in Clinical Medicine (CM), a 5-year program in CM, a 5-year program in dentistry, a 4-year program in nursing and a series of MA, Ph.D. and post-doctoral programs in medicine. Currently, 2,887 learners are studying at ShUMC, of which 1,515 learners are bachelor, 1,250 learners are MA, and 113 are doctoral students.

From the 229 working staff, 63% have a Ph.D., and 47.8% have international practice studying or working abroad. ShUMC is proud to have a vast net of 5 filial hospitals with approximately 5,600 hospital beds and 7 associate partner hospitals that nurse the western and southern provinces of Guangdong, the Pearl River Delta, and Hainan and give clinical tuition for medical learners.


ShUMC achieved tremendous success after deciding to assimilate a modern “system-integrated” medical syllabus, introducing an English plunging Program and evaluating learner growth in the US Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE).

The rating of fresh learners exceeded the initial score fixed for key national universities for 22 consecutive years, and for the first time in 13 years, the employment level of graduates at Guangdong universities reached a record level, namely 96% in 2018.

Shantou University Medical College

For this decade, graduates have exceeded other graduates among Chinese medical colleges in the National Medical Licensing Exam. Passing points of our students from the “elite classes” in USMLE Step 1 over the past seven years have saved 93%.

Shantou University Medical College

International cooperation

ShUMC started to be popular among English-speaking learners, after the lucky implementation of the “English Immersion Program”, since immediately after that a medical program in English was created in 2007, and in 2013 a nursing program appeared also in English. Since 2011, chosen learners from the English-language medical program took part in a unite educational program for training at CUHK for 1 year, and a year earlier SUMC began to actively collaborate with foreign universities such as the University of Alberta, Canada and the University of Groningen, the Netherlands.

Shantou University Medical College

In the same year, accepted by the Department of Education, ShUMC was the 1st to gain experience international learners from the United States of America and its neighbor, Canada. In 2012, the clinical medicine program was rated in the top 1% of universities and research academies around the world grounded on ESI (Essential Science Indicators) analysis.

Interaction with society and Research

Except for medical tuition and investigation, ShUMC also actively work with the community. There are plenty of programs organized and sustained by the Lee Ka Shing Foundation, such as the National Hospice Programme, the Medical Assistance for the Poor Programme, and the Rainbow Project charity programne. All of them are aimed at serving diseased and those in need of raising the spirit of “promotion” in society.

At present, MA and PhD programmes in diverse subjects are suggested to applicants in this Institute. During the last 30 years, ShUMC has shown incredible results in scientific research, for instance, it has been awarded a total of 3499 research grants worth about 313 million Yuan, it has organized 2387 scientific documents of SCI and won 302 scientific and technological awards in the national, regional and city levels.

The international research group, led by Professor Yi Guang, director of the ShUMC-HKU Influenza Research Center, won the main award of the 2017 National Prize in Science and Technology for remarkable work. Besides, the ongoing project “Big Data on Medical Information” will take care approximately 21 million habitants of the Chaoshan District, the research centers of the university are doing everything to increase the effectiveness of research and treatment of diseases.

Thanks to the Chinese government and Lee Ka Shing Foundation, a fresh ShUMC building, located in the main building, was built and commissioned. The new ShUMC has the potential to implement more ideas in the field of life science and provide the world with more qualified specialists.

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Name 汕头大学医学院
City Shantou
Ranking in China 79
International ranking 925
Undergraduate 2691 USD/year
Postgraduate 2910 USD/year
Accommodation 160 USD/month
Cost of living $410-827 USD/month
Scholarships ☑️
Seats 61
Deadline 15th July
Students 2,885
Foreign students 30
Location No. 22 Xinling Road - Shantou, 515041 - Guangdong Province, China

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