Beijing University of Technology



Beijing University of Technology

Universidad de Tecnología de Beijing


The institution of higher education began its activity in the second half of the twentieth century. It should be noted that the university is recognized as a primary educational institution under the municipal administration of the capital of China. For all the time of its work, the Beijing University of Technology has created a powerful academic foundation in various disciplines, and today, students of Beijing University of Technology are offered various academic programs in different kinds of fields of science, ranging from engineering and economics to philosophy and law. At the beginning of the eighties of the twentieth century, the Ministry approved the preparation of masters by the Higher School, and 5 years later, Beijing Technological University received the right to prepare students in further stages of science, such as doctoral studies. At the end of the twentieth century, the university was recognized as one of the top 100 universities in China and was listed in the “211 projects”. It should be underlined that, in 2013, the Higher School ranked 126th in the Asian ranking of the best universities, as well as 29th in China.

Beijing University of Technology prepares the following areas of study: optical engineering, materials science and structural engineering. In total, the Higher Education Institution prepares for thirty-nine Bachelor programs, nineteen types of master’s programs and seventeen kinds of doctoral programs. Thus, graduates of the undergraduate program can continue their studies in the master’s programs without any problems, and then, if desired, doctoral studies.

Beijing University of Technology Scholarship

Beijing University of Technology is offering Scholarship Program for international students of the academic year 2020-2021. To get more information contact our consultants.


Today, more than 3000 employees work at the Higher School. More than half of them are highly qualified teachers, 262 of them are holders of a doctoral degree. It should be also underlined that the university invited six academicians from the Academy of Sciences of China to give lectures and supervise scientific research. Over twenty thousand students study at the higher school, about 8500 of them are students enrolled in graduate programs. Currently, more than one thousand foreign students study at Beijing University of Technology, and two hundred of them are graduate and doctoral students. The geography of countries covers all the continents of the world, and the number of countries from which students came is more than seventeen.

Beijing University of Technology

College of International Education

For a comprehensive and thorough study of the dynamically changing world, increasing the academic and social potential of students, the Higher Educational Institution has a College of International Education (CIE). Also, the college is focused on providing opportunities and educational facilities for students from different cultures and nations, the college curriculum fully comply with an international and European standards. Thus, students are offered training under the guidance of experienced and highly qualified teachers. The leadership of the educational institution has made a lot of efforts to increase its prestige in the international education arena, as well as the effectiveness of Chinese and foreign students’ awareness of the activities of higher education.

International students

One of the main priorities of the development of the university is the creation of a research environment for international students and researchers on the basis of the Higher Educational University. That is, attracting as many foreign students as possible in order to transform a university into an internationally recognized research university with its unique features and positive aspects. Every year, the Higher School invites students from other countries to study here at Beijing University of Technology.

Beijing University of Technology

The management of the educational institution created all the necessary conditions for the comfort of foreign students. As an additional support for foreign students, the Higher School provides such services as “Assistance in finding work during work”, “Visa issue”, “Scholarships and grants” and many other types of support.

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Name 北京工业大学
City Beijing
Ranking in China 72
International ranking 831
Undergraduate 3432 USD/year
Postgraduate 4742 USD/year
Accommodation 250 USD/month
Cost of living $620-1,212 USD/month
Scholarships ☑️
Seats 140
Deadline 10-30 May
Students 20,000
Foreign students 1,000
Location No.100, Pingle Garden,Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

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