Nanjing Agricultural University



Nanjing Agricultural University

Nanjing Agricultural University’s history is traced back to Jing-ling and Nan-jing (formally known as high education Centre of Nanjing) high schools and this university was founded as a high school from the merging from the above two agriculture-oriented schools and several divisions of Zhejyang Institute in 1954. Finally, its name was changed to the current “Nanjing Agricultural University” (abbreviation N.A.U) in September 10, 1982. Today, Nanjing Agricultural University is run by director professor Zeng Xiabo, and disciplined by the agency pedagogics and MOE of the government. It is the oldest university, which specialized with subjects of farming and agriculture in china. So, Nanjing Agricultural University is recognized as an advanced agriculture-oriented leader university in the state and even in abroad, too.

Nanjing Agricultural University

If you are interested to study at this University, feel free to contact our consultants or to leave your application on our website. You can visit “Our Services” page right here to get known with the services we provide.


University recruits 120-160 students for scholarships every year. Scholarships for Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Degree as well as for language courses are provided.

Nanjing Agricultural University is offering Scholarship Program for international students of the academic year 2020-2021. To get more information contact our consultants.


Nanjing Agricultural University has two dorms: Principal dorm and Puzhen dorm. The principal dorm is located in the beautiful northeastern suburban that is popular with a large tomb of Sun Yat Sen, of the province of Nanjing. The Puzhen dorm is stationed in the Puzhen town, and possesses a lot of farms for internships in the countryside of Nanjing. The total land of these dorms is 8km2 and 5km2 of it is full of teaching edifices those provided with latest instruments and modern labs. Besides, Nanjing Agricultural University is in possession of a big and good-supported archive, which includes more than 1,600,000 books and periodicals in over 20 different languages. The number of the scholars amounts to proximately 29,000. 7,200 of them are postgrad degree collegians.

Nanjing Agricultural University

Programms, Faculties

The university has had a new program that has been made with the jobs those regularized teaching and a span of 10s years. Even though, it is an agriculture specialized university, new subjects has been added such as economy, literature, history, languages, architecture, others, and the subjects have been reformed to higher ones. Now, the university is composed of 17 schools those are provided with 63 bachelor schemes, 103 master degree schemes and 71 doctoral schemes. Additionally, the university owes 11 schemes for post doctorates, 10 native level specialties and 23 regional principal specialties, 77 R&D stations, a state level laboratory of plant organisms and genes, other 5 labs, a state level station of sciences and technologies of Soya bean evolvement and station of farming education of the province of Jingsu. More than 4,000 faculty members, contain 12 academics of Chinese engineering Academies, 512 PhD supervisory lecturers, 710 qualified teachers and over 2,000 beginner teachers, are working at this university. The scientific papers and Journals like “Brief history of Chinese farming”, “drugs and vaccines of animals”, “Magazine of Nanjing agricultural university” of this university are best readings and high rated in china.

Nanjing Agricultural University

Exchanging programs

Nanjing Agricultural University is simultaneously developing exchanging programs and getting in touch with oversea universities, institutes and colleges. It have brought over 60 senior lecturers from these places by this time. Nowadays, 1,200 students from abroad are studying at Nanjing Agricultural University Increasing these numbers in near future is reality.

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Name 南京农业大学
City Nanjing
Ranking in China 71
International ranking 870
Undergraduate 2910 USD/year
Postgraduate 3491 USD/year
Accommodation 200 USD/month
Cost of living $410-827 USD/mon.
Scholarships ☑️
Seats 98
Deadline 30th June
Students 25,000
Foreign students 1,252
Location No.1 Weigang, Nanjing city, Jiangsu province, China

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