Northeast Forestry University




Northeast Forestry University was established in 1950 after the amalgamation of the university of Zhejiang, and the agricultural northeast college. Now, it became a member of the universities those are supported by the governmental project named “two-one-one” and is listed as one of the principal universities in China by the Ministerial Council of education.

Northeast Forestry University

The university is situated in the Harbin town, which central suburb with the largest forests and highest trees in the state. It consists of an area of over 1.4km2 that is full of educating blocks, R&D labs and researching stations for internships. Additionally, it has forest-like parks called “Moershan center of researches on forestry” (Park of Chinese Forests) and “Lian Shu experimenting center” (Lian Shu Ministerial level forestry zone). With these parks, the territory of the university reaches to approximately 40km2.

If you are interested to study at Northeast Forestry University, feel free to contact our consultants or to leave your application on our website. You can visit “Our Services” page right here to get known with the services we provide.


Northeast Forestry University recruits 80-110 students for scholarships every year. Scholarships for Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Degree as well as for language courses are provided.

This university has many grants and scholarships for scholars those who come from abroad and have a fluent English or Chinese. Monthly scholarships, discounts at the tuition fees, specific grants according to your degree bachelor, master or doctoral are available! If you are interested in these, you can use our free consultation to get fully informed.

Northeast Forestry University

Characteristic specialties

At present, Northeast Forestry University is comprehensive disciplined university that focuses on the forestry sciences like own orientation, and gives characteristic specialties in the engineering fields of forestry. This university additionally contains other specialties similar to forestry such as agricultural sciences, economics, administration, arts, law, engineering and natural sciences. Currently, it includes 3 departments and 15 colleges, which are run with 5 academical researching majors for post doctorates, 4 A1 and 32 A2 doctor level majors, 10 A1 and 74 A2 master level majors, 3 specific specialties in 9 disciplines for master levels, and 58 bachelor majors. It is in possession of 2 native level main subjects, 2 native level subordinated subjects, 6 main subjects permitted by the forestry Council, 2 main subjects permitted by the province of Heilonjiang, 4 ministerial level A1 main subjects, and 15 ministerial level subordinated main subjects.

Northeast Forestry University

After the university was approved by the Civil service commissions and the agency pedagogics, Northeast Forestry University has been running native level teaching stations of technology and natural sciences. Besides, it administrated some educating and researching stations those are based on the fields of chemistry, biology and adult education, which licensed by the agency pedagogics.

Students, masters and facilitate

Now, Northeast Forestry University owes over varied students. After the establishment, the university has cultivated more than 80,000 students, and has got the biggest native level fostering Centre that teaches qualified staff members with the subjects similar to forestry and agriculture. It employs over 1,800 skillful masters, involving 7 academics of the academies of engineering and visitor academics, 3 special lecturers brought with Chang Jiang Scholars scheme. Recently, several faculties of the university achieved good advances and prizes, among of whom 4 granted with the state level award namely “Excellent teacher” of the government, ministerial prize “Famous teacher”, 6 granted with ministerial level award “Excellent Teacher” and 3 granted with “Model teachers”.

Northeast Forestry University gives nice facilitates to teach, to research, and to practice to both master and students. The university owns a local academic principal observatory (Moershan ecology and forestry base), 3 main labs of the agency pedagogics, 5 main labs of the state level forestry public sector, and 45 R&D centers. What’s more, Northeast Forestry University has 10 experimenting spots, involving Moershan center of researches on forestry and Lian Shu experimenting center and plus 200 teaching departments in the university’s campus.

Foreign relationships

This university lays great emphasis on the enhancement of relationships and cooperation in foreign countries. It has set up intercontinental collaborations and connection ties with over 55 universities and colleges. Lately, Northeast Forestry University has brought over 500 oversea professionals come from 50 different states (involving US, UK, Germany, France, Canada and much more) for lecturing, researching, visiting, touring and of course, for teaching.

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Name 东北林业大学
City Harbin
Ranking in China 147
International ranking 1419
Undergraduate 2182 USD/year
Postgraduate 3273 USD/year
Accommodation 200 USD/month
Cost of living $410-827 USD/mon.
Scholarships ☑️
Seats 97
Deadline 30th June
Students 23,000
Foreign students 450
Location 26 Hexing Rd, Xiangfang Qu, Harbin Shi, Heilongjiang Sheng, China

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