Sichuan University
Sichuan University is a wonderful high education establishment of the state, the key facts on this issue can serve as membership in the list of high education institutions “211 projects”, according to which, each participant is granted a construction ledge in the ninth 5-year period. It should be underlined that the high research institution has the status as a specialized high education establishment, which prepares qualified personnel for the Ministry of Health. Therefore, the SCU is included in the structure of the Ministry of Health.

It should be underlined that Sichuan University consists of quite a solid and rich history, which begins with the regions of Zhong-Si, the High education establishment was founded in 1896. Today, the university prepares students for masters and doctoral programs based on twelve first-class programs. One hundred and eleven secondary – the discipline for obtaining a doctorate, as well as one hundred & seventy-eight master’s programs.
If you are interested to study at this University, feel free to contact our consultants or to leave your application on our website. You can visit “Our Services” page right here to get known with the services we provide.
University recruits 120-160 students for scholarships every year. Scholarships for Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Degree as well as for language courses are provided.
Sichuan University is offering a scholarship program for international students of the academic year 2020-2021. Scholarships are available for Chinese language year, bachelor and master’s degrees. To get more information contact our consultants.
Ranking of University
Ranking of Sichuan University is 21 among all Chinese universities.
Detailed information about the university
As for undergraduate, it should be emphasized that the higher school trains specialists in one hundred & nine directions in this program, this covers the primary directions of the medicine, agriculture, and others. Currently, there are over seventy thousand students in the SCU. Since the birth of New China, the SCU has produced more than two hundred thousand qualified specialists in its field, that is why the Ministry of Emergency Measures has recognized the University as a Collegiate Cultural Foundation of one of the best education of medicine.
The SCU employs a huge number of professors-teachers, their number is eleven thousand three hundred & fifty-seven people, about three thousand and two hundred of them are qualified professors and associate professors, six of them are academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Four hundred & thirty-four of the teachers are teachers of students who are studying in a doctoral program and seventeen members of the Committee of Academic Degrees. In addition, the university has fourteen positions “Premium plan scholars scholarship of the Yangtze River” for specially employed professors.
Academic Performance
The SCU has a huge scientific potential because it has two national laboratories, which are well equipped, six science centers of technical engineering, five government laboratories, which are promoted by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health. Apart from that, there are thirty-five regional laboratories, ten research centers of ministries. During its existence, the High education establishment has done a large quantity of national and regional research projects, which have to be a success. That is to say, they have reached plenty of achievements that are highly appreciated by the country’s leadership and recognized by the people of China.
The Administration of the High education establishment created favorable conditions for a comfortable acquisition of knowledge. The higher school’s library, namely, its three divisions include about four million eight hundred thousand volumes, they are considered as the Centre for collecting English publications within the National Educational, different kinds of cultural Organization. The library is such kind of the information center of the Ministry of Emergencies on the literature of liberal arts and the sub-center of SALIS South-West.
The Sichuan University’s Museum is a unique scientific facility where every scientific researcher or student will have access to a one-of-a-kind site that contains an extensive collection of cultural relics of over four thousand pieces, and animal and plant samples – over six hundred thousand pieces, ranking first in Its holdings are among others in China.
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